Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Paper Fabric Wall Hanging

I like this one and it didn't take long to make. Tissue book pages and music were glued with pva onto cotton when dry were painted and stamped. The birds were made in the same way and hand sewn onto the backing. The leaves were machine embroidered and beaded, then it was backed with batting and more cotton which were machined together. I added my own handmade paper to the bottom and added machine wrapped cords with papier mache beads. I wanted to use the words at the bottom of the hanging about the best birds,I find this very inspiring if I think my talents are not good enough to take part in any project.

Snow Queen

January swap for fantasicflat paperdolls yahoo group. She was painted with gesso and white acrylic, stamped into and embellished. The Snow Queen turned into more of a queen than I expected.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Papier Mache Figures

I like papier mache I find it very satisfying to create something from a pile of newspapers and glue. I like getting my hands in the pulp and molding it doesn't cost very much but I get impatient waiting for it to dry before moving on to the next stage. I started making papier mache about ten years ago with the usual bowls moving on from small ones to large and vases. I then started making cats, three so far and then on to a small life size dog. The grandchilden loved Woofie and would try to ride him when I wasn't looking but he is still going strong with only minor repairs. I return every now and then to make things the latest are these small figures made from an inner structure of wire covered with pulp and I layer the face to achieve a smoother look. My husband at a first look named them Elvis, Sargeant Pepper and Little Miss, no I wont finish her name here. I have my eye on a crocodile from a book next,to sit by the pond, if we have a summer without rain this year.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blooms in the Garden

Some pages from a book I made at a Francis Pickering workshop. The pages were made with wall paper lining paper which stood up to all the inks we used. It was just like being at play school throwing all the colours on to the pages, we all had a great time. I finished the book at home with photos taken by my husband in the garden. I seem to have made a lot of books this year, this one was done last autumn time

Book of Roses

Some pages from a Book of Roses. The Roses are embroidered or I have used pressed rose petals from the garden which have gone onto the page with Misty Fuse I think its called, the stringy stuff.

Machine Embroidery

This was started at Richard Box's workshop again with the Embroidery Guild. The first one I did with him was from his book Flowers For Embroidery in which he teaches how to make a picture with small bits of material lightly glued on and then machined. I made four small pictures and liked them enough to put up on the wall at home. He is a very good teacher everybody was very relaxed.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cloth Dolls

This doll is a pattern by Jill Maas. I wanted to put a glass in her hand but couldnt find a small one.

These two dolls come from Patti M Culea patterns I love her character type dolls

A selection of various dolls I have made. The green doll at the back is the first one I made. I like making dolls but have difficulties painting the faces. I'm not very good at drawing and have to practice on paper and material before I get it right. I always make two heads so its not so scary when I come to the face.

Cloth Dolls

An Embroidery Guild Workshop with Ray Slater. The bodies are wire with strips of wadding wrapped around, the head is a circle of cotton stuffed and sculptured and then the doll is embelished. Ray Slater has a book published about her dolls when I have seen it I will probably buy it. I have so many craft and art books I have to be selective or I wont have room to do any art in my craft room. I call where I do art my craft room as calling it a studio dosnt put me at ease, I just want to go and play there.

Paper Fabric Quilt

The size of this quilt is 12"x12". The backing is cotton collaged with pictures and tissue, the flower and pot was made from more paper fabric and machined on and wadding put on the back. As I made it over a year ago I cant remember exactly how I made it. The idea came from the magazine Cloth Paper Scissors. I have only made this one so far.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mixed Media Wall hanging

A wall hanging made from Beryl Taylor's book Mixed Media Explorations. The feathers are machine embroidered onto paper,hand embroidered or done on water-soluble material. I must go back to this book as I would like to make a medieval type book sometime.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Book of Ladies

I set myself a challenge to

use some of the left over prints from previous collages. This is the book I made it is 8" high. This was a good exercise going through my folder remembering what was there and throwing out the rubbish.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Paper Dolls

I have made these for swaps at fantasticflatpaperdolls yahoo group

Old Fashioned Garden

This book was made for last years Embroidery Guild Challenge.I reduced the size of several transfers I had but embroidered my own flowers in the style of the time. They were than mounted and craft vilene was inserted so it would stand up.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Promise a Seasonal Story

I like making books fabric or mixed media. These pictures are of a book I made for the Embroidery Guild Chairmans Challange the theme was the four seasons and mine was called The Promise. I included text from the hymn For the Beauty of the Earth and God of all Ages.Spring was Beginning the Promise,Summer the Ripening of the Promise,Autumn The Gathering of the Promise and Winter The Hope of a New Promise. The shape of the pages comes from a pattern by Pattie M. Culea

This is my first posting on my first blog. Im not sure where Im going from here but at least Ive started. I still have to sort out settings and layouts. I could shout help but nobody nearby knows anymore about blogging than I do.